My Keelee had major emergency surgery and we have been taking care of 4 month Zoe and now Keelee and Zoe while Momma recovers. She had us pick them up from her place on the 18 cause her back was hurting so bad she could not pick up our Zoe to feed her. So Kassy jumps in the car and whips over and gets her sister and niece and brings them to the Tree House and sets them up in their weekend room (they are here most weekends).
Aunt Kassy starts taking care of Zoe and Momma starts heat pads on Keelee's back. We figure she pulled something holding the baby feeding her and the lactation nurse said that her back would hurt so we thought nothing of it. Then Saturday night she noticed the white of her eyes were yellow (no I had not noticed as my eyes are not working to well after my strokes). So thank goodness for small blessings, Her God Father is someone high up at Parkland, and he gave her a number to call and talk to a nurse who is there 24 hours and told her to come in on Sunday, (seems the country hospital is busy on Saturday nights LOL), as soon as she can, and get it checked out. Guess it was a good thing she did, cause she was taken back as soon as the nurse saw her , and then it seems all the doctors and student doctors ( this is a teaching hospital, and a good one) had to come and and take a peek at her. She had a scope to remove the stone blocking her bile duct on Tuesday and then on Wednesday they removed her gallbladder. She came home on Thursday to the Tree House and is suppose to be resting and recovering but it is hard to keep her in bed and very hard to keep her away from the baby. So hard when you can't pick up and hold your 4 month old little one.
Poor momma. We do place her next to her in bed and let her stroke n talk to her, but just not the same thing. Grandpa or Pa Paw as Zoe seem to know him has really stepped up! He works all day and even into the night with his DJ job (Music by Marty) and still he stays awake taking shifts with Zoe so Kassy can get some sleep or time out with her friends. Zoe loves riding on the shoulders of her Pa Paw and dancing with him too.
We are so blessed so have so many friends and family here in town and especially online that offered up prayer and healing blessing for Keelee and our family during this emergency. We want to thank each of you for your kind thoughts and prayers. Just so you know I have not forgotten my pledge and I am listing my creations I made Week 3. If you want to see 2 of them Please pop into Lemon Poppy Seeds and visit my Shoppe you can see my 2 new listings for 2 of them.
Check back to tomorrow and hopefully I will have a minute to list one of the dolls *Zoe* on eBay. She is my little Zoe's favorite one. Sadly she is tea stained and has lots of feathers and beading on her on my Zoe Bug can't play with her .like she wants too, so she will go up on eBay to buy diapers and formula for Zoe Bug while she stays at Nanna's Tree House. All the creations are Valentine inspired and come from my heart.
Til tomorrow....
Shweet Love
I am glad that Keelee in on the mend. Loving thought to all.