Sharing Some Friends and Their Creations

I wanted to take a moment and Share with YOU, Some very special people in my life. Not to long ago I was honored to meet a group a folks on Facebook, The Share and Like Group, who join together to bring awareness to their small businesses. I looked at each of the members and decided that this was a group of folks I would be honored to be associated with. I would like to introduce just of a few of them to you via their crafts.

Please take a Moment and Visit their Shoppe and I am Sure you will see WHY I decided that THIS Group of Artists and Businesses are truly those you want to surround yourself with.



  1. Really nice blog Sandi. We are lucky to be involved with this group. Judy Griffith

  2. Wow. I am honored. Thank you so much. You are a great part of our group. We love having you with us.

  3. What a beautiful site you have here. Thank you so much for including me in your blog. You rock!!!!

  4. Fabulous blog site and a great selection of crafts. Great to part of the Share and Like group. Thank you so much for sharing my crystal bracelets.


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